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The Georgia Review included in JSTOR’s Companion to the Schomburg Center’s Black Liberation Reading List

Athens, GA—The Georgia Review is proud to announce the inclusion of a dozen of its pieces in a joint project by the New York Public Library Schomburg Center and JSTOR. In 2020, the Schomburg Center, whose mission is “the research, preservation, and exhibition of materials focused on African American, African Diaspora, and African experiences,” released a Black Liberation Reading List of 95 “essential titles,” encompassing multiple genres. In partnership, JSTOR has compiled a list of articles, book chapters, and other content from its holdings that are closely related to the reading list and made them free to the public.

JSTOR states, “Our goal in creating this open library is to provide scholars, students, and the general public with free access to vital scholarship while amplifying the important work being done by the Schomburg Center to curate texts connected to the international discourse about the Black experience, anti-racism, and liberation.” Many works on these lists come from The Georgia Review, the University of Georgia Press, Lillian Smith Book Award winners, and Georgia Writers Hall of Fame inductees.

We encourage you to explore the Schomburg Center’s Black Liberation Reading List and JSTOR’s full offering of related articles:

The UGA Library has created a LibGuide to showcase the work from The Georgia Review and the University of Georgia Press: