In Another Country (on The Devil’s Playground: A Century of Pleasure and Profit in Times Square by James Traub; Hotel Kid: A Times Square Childhood by Stephen Lewis; All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s by Daniel Kane; Inside Greenwich Village: A New York City Neighborhood, 1898–1918 by Gerald W. McFarland; Up from Zero: Politics, Architecture, and the Rebuilding of New York by Paul Goldberger; & Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan by Philip Lopate)

Karen Swenson has published five volumes of poetry, been included in numerous anthologies, and appeared in The New Yorker, Saturday Review, Poetry, Commonweal, Miramar, The Nation, and other publications. Also the author of travel and political articles for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, Swenson presently lives in Barcelona, Spain.