on Blake Books: Annotated Catalogues of William Blake’s Writings by G. E. Bentley, Jr.; Blake As An Artist by David Bindman; The Complete Graphic Works of William Blake by David Bindman; William Blake by Martin Butlin; William Blake: A New Kind of Man by Michael Davis; William Blake: The Seer and His Visions by Milton Klonsky; Blake’s Composite Art: A Study of the Illustrated Poetry by W. J. T. Mitchell; & William Blake by Morton D. Paley
on The Adventures of Conan Doyle: The Life of the Creator of Sherlock Holmes by Charles Higham; Bloodhounds of Heaven: The Detective in English Fiction from Godwin to Doyle by Ian Ousby; & The Dangerous Edge by Gavin Lanbert
on Unassigned Frequencies: American Poetry in Review, 1964-77 by Laurence Lieberman; Escape from the Self: A Study in Contemporary American Poetry and Poetics by Karl Malkoff; & Modern American Lyric: Lowell, Berryman, Creeley, and Plath by Arthur Oberg