Nadine Boughton

Nadine Boughton currently lives in Gloucester, MA, where she independently teaches photography, collage, and creative writing. Educated at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY, and the Lesley University Seminars in Cambridge, MA, Boughton was selected as one of the “Top 50” photographers in Photolucida’s Critical Mass competition in both 2011 and 2013. Her work has been exhibited widely at locations including Davis Orton Gallery in Hudson Valley, NY, Candela Books and Gallery in Richmond, VA, JoAnne Artman Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA, and the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA.


True Adventures in Modern Living

Nadine Boughton’s color-drenched, surreal photo-collages contrast the sterility of the modern American home with the explosive, often feral natural world to present unique portraits of mid-twentieth-century anxiety. The majority of […]

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