Gold Rings: Recent Award-Winning Poetry Volumes (on Fragments from the Fire: The Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire of March 25, 1911 by Chris Llewellyn; Little Star by Mark Halliday; Saving the Young Men of Vienna by David Kirby; Whistle Maker by Robert J. Levy; & Stages of Twilight by Alice Derry)

Stephen Corey joined the staff of The Georgia Review in 1983 as assistant editor and subsequently served as associate editor, acting editor, and, from 2008 to his retirement in 2019, editor. His most recent book is Startled at the Big Sound: Essays Personal, Literary, and Cultural (Mercer University Press, 2017); he has also published nine collections of poems, among them There Is No Finished World (White Pine Press) and Synchronized Swimming (Livingston Press); his individual poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in dozens of periodicals; and he has coedited three books in as many genres, including (with Warren Slesinger) Spreading the Word: Editors on Poetry (The Bench Press). In the spring of 2022, White Pine Press will bring out his As My Age Then Was, So I Understood Them: New and Selected Poems.