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Spring 1969
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Spring 1969
Table of Contents
“Bartleby” and “The Raven”: Parallels of the Irrational
Georgia and the American Revolution: Three Shades of Opinion
Modernism and Subjectivity
The Ambiguous Auction Block
The Anti-Transcendentalism of “Moby-Dick”
The Black Ghost of White-Oak Fork: A Romance
In Retrospect: Oedipus to the Sphinx
Rain Talk & Celebration for an Infant Child
on America’s Political Dilemma: From Limited to Unlimited Democracy by Gottfried Dietze
on Corra Harris: Lady of Purpose by John E. Talmadge
on Emerson and Thoreau: Transcendentales in Conflict by Joel Porte
on Fielding and the Nature of the Novel by Robert Alter
on Fires in the In-Basket: The ABC’s of the State Department by John P. Leacacos
on Georgia Voices: A Documentary History to 1872 by Spencer B. King, Jr.
on Heav’n’s First Law: Rhetoric and Order in Pope’s Essay on Man by Martin I. Kallich
on John Crowe Ransom: Critical Essays and a Bibliography by Thomas Daniel Young
on Jonathan Swift as a Tory Pamphleteer by Richard Cook
on Regionalism and Beyond: Essays of Randall Stewart by George Core, Norman Holmes Pearson
on Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton by G. V. P. Akrigg
on Stephen Crane: A Biography by R. W. Stallman
on The Eloquent “I”: Style and Self in Seventeenth-Century Prose by Joan Webber
on The Far Family by Wilma Dykeman
on The Private City by Sam Bass Warner, Jr.
on The Random House Unabridged Dictionary
on Thomas Nast: Political Cartoonist by J. Chal Vinson