Greg Wrenn

Greg Wrenn is the author of Centaur (University of Wisconsin Press, 2013), which Terrance Hayes awarded the Brittingham Prize in Poetry. His work has appeared in The New Republic, the Kenyon Review, New England Review, The American Scholar, the American Poetry Review, AGNI, and elsewhere. A former Stegner Fellow and Jones Lecturer at Stanford University, he is an assistant professor of English at James Madison University. An Advanced PADI Nitrox diver as well, he has been exploring coral reefs around the world for more than twenty-five years. “Paddle” is taken from Wrenn’s current project, an eco-memoir about using nature to heal from trauma.

Greg Wrenn



Row!  My first word. My mother heard me say it in our brick house with blue shutters in Jacksonville, Florida. She had sung me the nursery rhyme many times, pretending […]

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