The One I Get and Other Artifacts

                                   Oil has seeped into
the margins of the ditch of standing water

and flashes or looks upward brokenly,
like bits of mirror—no, more blue than that:

like tatters of the Morpho butterfly.

—Elizabeth Bishop


How young were my boys …

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My madrina and I right away got a truckload of watermelons from a neighboring rancho, to keep us hydrated for the two months we’d be working. We—me being a twelve-year-old boy but strong like a freaking tiger homie, she …

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Reviews Uncategorized

Etymology, Ecology, and Ecopoetics

As an expression of local, state, and regional inequities, environmental racism is a feedback loop of enhanced health risks, restricted job opportunities, diminished educational success, and negative social relations for certain populations due to zoning policies, industrial interests, and business/governmental …

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