The Longing of Men

In the water, the rocks were a dozen colors, ochre to a bruised orange, purple to brick, dusky green to leaden blue, moss-tinged yellows—and all these eclipsed with flashes of sky ricocheting off the surface. These boulders and stones were …

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She Did Not Speak

Wir sagen uns Dunkles
                       —Paul Celan


It began so quietly that no one could hear it.

How to begin a story that can never be told? For a long time, I started to tell the story by not telling …

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All the Other Demons

[The abject] is simply a frontier, a repulsive gift that the Other, having become alter ego, drops so that the “I” does not disappear in it but finds, in that sublime alienation, a forfeited existence.

—Julia Kristeva, Powers of Horror:

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on Bluest Nude by Ama Codjoe

Carrie Mae Weems’s 1997 photograph series Not Manet’s Type presents a series of nude self-portraits accompanied by text. The fourth image in the sequence shows Weems’s reflection in a round mirror sitting up in bed, partially covered in black lace …

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