Winter 2003



Winter 2003

Table of Contents


In Praise of Envy

Taming the Gorgon: My Mother into Fiction

The Cosmos and Me

The Dog Gets to Dover: William Maxwell as a Correspondent


“This Is Earl Sandt”

Nguyen Van Thieu Is Dead at 78

Putting the Lizard to Sleep

The Center of the World

Two Men Do Not Dream the Same Dream


A Leaf of Basil; Iris; & Ashes



In Loco Parentis, 1963

Niagara: Winter 1878

Once, on Patmos


Revisiting the City of Her Birth

The Current, Short History of 139th Street & Perfection

The Slow Insult


Fables of Light


Anthologizing—the Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent (on Word of Mouth: Poems Featured on NPR’s All Things Considered, edited by Catherine Bowman; Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry, edited by Billy Collins; Stand Up Poetry: An Expanded Anthology, edited by Charles Harper Webb; Hammer and Blaze: A Gathering of Contemporary American Poets, edited by Ellen Bryant Voigt and Heather McHugh; The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, third edition, edited by Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellmann, and Robert O’Clair; Good Poems, edited by Garrison Keillor; and Poems to Read: A New Favorite Poem Project Anthology, edited by Robert Pinsky and Maggie Dietz)

New Maps of the Territories: On Mennonite Writing (on Sweeter Than All the World by Rudy Wiebe; The Breath You Take from the Lord by Patrick Friesen; Now You Care by Di Brandt; Searching for Intruders: A Novel in Stories by Stephen Raleigh Byler; and The Body and the Book: Writing from a Mennonite Life by Julia Kasdorf)

on Badlands by Doug Rennie

on New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 2003, edited by Shannon Ravenel

War and Poets (on Rendezvous with Death: American Poems of the Great War, edited by Mark W. Van Wienen and Poets of World War II, edited by Harvey Shapiro)