Winter 1980



Winter 1980

Table of Contents


Beckett’s Plays and the Photographic Vision

Holes: The Idea of an “Entr’acte”

In the Suicide Seat: Reading John Hawkes’s Travesty

Robert Penn Warren: Life’s Instancy and the Astrolabe of Joy

The Man Who Loved Women: The Medical Fictions of William Carlos Williams

Toward a Philosophy of Photography



How the Indians Buried Their Dead

Memories and Futures



December Forecasts in Seattle



On the Marshes at Dawn

P. M. & A. M.


Polish Dolls


Snowing, Sometimes

The Other Life

The Rough-barked Cottonwood

To the Maker of “A Peaceable Kingdom”


A Centered Voice: Susan Sontag’s Short Fiction (on I, Etcetera by Susan Sontag)

Dimensions of Reality (on A Romance by Bruce Weigl; The Names You Gave It by Wayne Dodd; Mortal Acts, Mortal Words by Galway Kinnell; & God’s Measurements by Laurence Lieberman)

on Desperate Characters by Paula Fox, Irving Howe; & The Transit of Venus by Shirley Hazzard

on Promethean Ethics: Living with Death, Competition, and Triage by Garrett Hardin

on The Right Promethean Fire: Imagination, Science, and Cultural Change by Ihab Hassan

On Women and Art (on The Obstacle Race by Germaine Greer; & Feminist Collage by Judy Loeb)

Poets, Projects, and Personalities (on Enlarging the Temple: New Directions in American Poetry during the 1960s by Charles Altieri; The Fierce Embrace: A Study of Contemporary American Poetry by Charles Molesworth; & Part of Nature, Part of Us: Modern American Poets by Helen Vendler)