Winter 1989


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Winter 1989

Table of Contents


Actors in the Sky

How to Gut a Book

Living Souls

The Desperate Mission of Stefan Lux


As Though by Magic You Have Been Unmasked

Looking for Signs

The Whore of Fez el Bali


“Too Much,” & The Aliens’ Translation Machine

Bringing It Down

Hard Souls

Job, Too

Moss Burning

Ordinary Crambles

Sloth: The Deadliest Sin

We and They & Thanksgiving


Faulkner Criticism’s Inexhaustible Voice (on William Faulkner: American Writer by Frederick R. Karl; Faulkner’s Country Matters: Folklore and Fable in Yoknapatawpha by Daniel Hoffman; Fiction’s Inexhaustible Voice: Speech and Writing in Faulkner by Stephen M. Ross; & The Crossing of the Ways: William Faulkner, The South and the Modern World by Karl F. Zender)

on At Home and Abroad by V. S. Pritchett

on Heavy Traffic and High Culture: New American Library as Literary Gatekeeper in the Paperback Revolution by Thomas L. Bonn

on Lust & Other Stories by Susan Minot

on Poetry and Ambition: Essays, 1982-88 by Donald Hall

on The Outermost Dream: Essays and Reviews by William Maxwell

on The Pleasures of Reading in an Ideological Age by Robert Alter

on Trauma and Mastery in Life and Art by Gilbert J. Rose

Stalking the Barbaric Yawp (on Collected Poems by Louis Simpson; Wild Dreams Of A New Beginning by Lawrence Ferlinghetti; Selected Poems: 1938-1988 by Thomas McGrath; Echoes: Poems Left Behind by John Ciardi; & Selected Poems by W. S. Merwin)

Three Contemporary Masters: Brodkey, Carver, Dubus (on Stories in an Almost Classical Mode by Harold Brodkey; Where I’m Calling From: New and Selected Stories by Raymond Carver; & Selected Stories by Andre Dubus)